Thursday, November 16, 2006

Take a leg and pass it left.

Nashville! It's finger-licking good!!!

Image courtesy of Monell's.

Friday, November 10, 2006

LSUWP Christmas Social Details

We will be gathering on Thursday, December 14th, 2006, at 4PM!

Place: Monjunis Italian Restaurant
711 Jefferson Hwy
Baton Rouge, LA


Sunday, November 05, 2006

Live Blogging from the LSUWP Fall Showcase

Begin (9:20AM)

Welcome and Introduction by Dr. Willis
- 14 people in attendance from both St. Charles and EBRP.
- What the LSUWP has done since the beginning of school this year.
*Became part of the GEARUP grant. Focuses on middle schools. It pays for 20 teachers and their tuitions and stipends for Summer Institute as well as salaries for the director and co-director. This will run for six years. We have also been asked to do ongoing professional development. 5.5 MILLION DOLLARS!!
*Festival of the book took place last weekend. LA Writes, sponsored by the LA Writing Project state network handed out its awards for student writing. And the LSUWP had a booth where student visitors were able to make bookmarks of their favorite books. Thanks to Connie McDonald and her students for volunteering their time to man the booth.
*The Summer Institute has been planned for this year. Also, St. Charles will be holding an advanced Summer Institute. They will also be sending 5 teachers to the LSU site for the Summer Institute here in BR.
*Big Buddy in BR. Part of this organization is WORDPLAY. Anna West is the director. LSUWP has partnered with Wordplay and formed the Red Stick Writing Teachers’ Collective. This group meets weekly at Capital Grocery. There is always a presenter and we always spend time writing.
*First Thursdays! We meet one Thursday a month to discuss general LSUWP news and events and to generate community among our members. This has become a great time of community building and sharing ideas. We are hoping to start something similar in Ascension Parish soon.
*(Sara Sims) The dues for this year are due. $10. This money is used for the convocation food and a few other wonderful items.
*Wordplay’s Freshhhh Heat occurs at the YMCA on Perkins Rd. This is a dynamic place for student writers. Please come and be a part of this experience.
*Tech Matters Mini Grant. $3000!! We will be using these funds to develop a tech team and educational/classroom technology knowledge base for the site.
-Dr. Willis read from Teaching Day by Day “Selection 93.”
*This selection discussed how drastically few “good” writing teachers students can recall at the end of their educational experience. How much of an impact can 4 good writing teachers make in one school? The impact is limitless.
-Laura Theriot and our new focus.
*We have begun to re-vision and re-structure our site. Many organizations have begun this process in the post-Katrina world. St. Charles is attempting to maintain its current events and press on with opportunities for TC’s in the area.
*The Washington D.C. trips are still important as we seek to keep the Writing Projects funded. Please be an advocate for the Writing Project.
*TC’s are lacking support in Ascension Parish. We launched a plan to move into West Feliciana Parish, but they have moved in a different direction. We are now looking at Point Coupee Parish and trying to make connections there.
*Send Jared your name and email address, or those of TC’s you know who are not on the listserv, and he will add you or them.
*Please contemplate what you missed from the LSUWP this year. Give us any feedback so that we can know what TC’s are looking for. We are also looking for people who would like to move into Leadership Positions in the site. If you are interested, please let us know.
-Cynthia Edmonston and Continuity.
*Remember to come to First Thursdays. The next event is Thursday, December 14 at Monjunis. We will use this time to do writing and reflecting for ourselves.
*The St. Charles Writing Marathon will be held in the Spring.
*The Fall Showcase is being reconsidered. There has not been much of a turnout for these events statewide. We will be trying to re-think this meeting into more of a retreat format for personal writing. Think it over and let us know.
*Continuity Dream: what can we do to bring in retired TC’s to participate in the site actively? One idea might be to contact the local libraries and have retired TC’s come in and read stories for to children.

The Showcase Begins!
-Connie McDonald reads a poem from a former student.
*Connie shared the poem “Hidden” by ???. We then were asked to write for a few minutes about where our poems hide. We then went around the room an shared our writing. Always powerful stuff.
-Charity Cantey presents “Telling Personal Stories.”
*We were given prompts in a basket on our table and then asked to share a personal story from this prompt.
-Jared Wall shared his co-written lesson for “In Class Writing Marathons.”
*Four prompts were given and we wrote for 30 minutes on whatever we felt after reading one of the prompts.

-Thanks to Cynthia Edmonston for all her hard work and for making this a successful Fall Showcase.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Louisiana Book Festival!!

A big thanks to all who volunteered their time to halp out at the "Bookmark Booth" at the LA Book Festival this weekend. Also, a huge thank you to Connie McDonald for organizing our volunteers and for getting many of her own students to help with the booth.

Remember that this Saturday, November 4th, is the LSU Writing Project's Fall Showcase Sampler. If you need any information, please visit our website at

We look forward to seeing you there.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Y'all should really check this out.

Hi y'all.

I encourage you to check out the current post by David Pulling over at Rhetorically/Poetically Yours.

For those of you who do not know David, he is the tech liaison over at the Acadiana Writing Project.  Besides that, he is a fun guy and an all around great person.  Give this blog post a read and leave him some feedback on the use of the word y'all.  He has also asked us to consider why the southern accent causes others to view us as less than intelligent.  Feel free to join in the debate.

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Saturday, July 22, 2006


What a great time we are having at TM06. Alot has been learned and just seeing this posted with pictures and a podcast should tell you just how much has been accomplished this week.

SHOUT OUT to Jason, David, and Brett...and my new friend Luis. Luis, could you stop laughing!:)

Jared's Podcast

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Hello Teacher Consultants.

We have finally finished a portion of our website. The address is Please come by and check out what we are working on. The Teacher Consultant tab will soon have current issues of the newsletter as well a calendar of upcoming events. I am also working on a section where writing can be submitted. for now, please submit your writing for others here at the BLOG.


Your technology team